
Somatoform Disorders and 7 know how to resolve

Coutii Healthy - Somatoform disorder is a psychological disorder in which the sufferer to feel the various complaints which interferes with the normal functioning of body organs. Complaints that arise are often accompanied by excessive thoughts (obsessively) sufferers about the symptoms they feel.

Sufferers of the disorder umumya believe that they have certain diseases. Although in reality, the disease is not found when the sufferers do medical checkup. If it continues to be ignored, this disorder will disrupt the daily activities of its victims.

Somatoform Disorders Causing factors

Psychological disorders can cause the sufferer to feel the physical symptoms

Somatoform disorder the main cause of yet unknown. However, this disorder is believed to be closely related to the following conditions:

  • Has a high sensitivity to pain
  • Tend to have personality with negative emotions and a poor self image
  • The difficulties to deal with stress
  • Lack of emotional sensitivity, so that you are more focused on the emotional condition of fisikmu compared
  • Behavioral factors, such as you get used to getting attention when being sick

The combination of the various characteristics that can contribute to the development of this disorder in a person.

Types of Somatoform Disorders

You can feel the symptoms be abdominal pain without any preliminary illness

Somatoform disorders can appear in various forms with different characteristics. Because of the difference of these characteristics, this disorder is distinguished into seven types, namely:

Impaired Somatisasi (Somatization Disorder)
This type of psychological disorder occurs before the age of 30 years and can last for many years. The symptoms that arise are usually a combination of pain in specific areas of the body, impaired channel cerna, the problem of nerves, and sexual dysfunction.

Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder
Sufferers experience physical symptoms of unknown cause for at least six months. However, the conditions experienced by sufferers do not meet the criteria to be diagnosed as disorders of somatisasi.

Conversion Disorder (Conversion Disorder)
Conversion disorder characterized by impaired nerve function, especially on the movement or sensory perception caused by psychological factors.

Pain Disorders (Pain Disorder)
The main symptom is pain disorders feel pain in some areas of the body. The frequency, severity, and duration of the pain can be increased if you have a psychological disorder.

A person with psychological disorders have irrational thoughts about himself

Hipokondriasis sufferers have excessive fear that he will have a severe illness. You may also experience the symptoms of an illness despite medical examination results do not indicate that you are suffering from the disease.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
This makes the body dismorfik disorder sufferer can't stop thinking about the shortcomings that exist in appearances themselves. BDD sufferers often feel very embarrassed and anxious to eventually avoid various social interactions.

Other Somatoform disorders that are not classified
The symptoms experienced by sufferers do not comply with the criteria of somatoform disorder whatsoever so it does not have a specific category.

Somatoform Disorders How To Resolve

A common way is used to overcome the psychological disorder is through therapy

Handling for patients more focused to increase the normal daily function and cope with psychological disorders become a trigger for the onset of symptoms.

The sufferer may be asked to undergo cognitive and behavioral therapies (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT). The therapist will help the sufferer reduces wrong thoughts and perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors that can aggravate his condition at this time.

These therapies may also be accompanied by the antidepressant drug. A drug prescribed to affect nerve circuits that cause mood swings, pain, impaired channel cerna, a sense of fatigue, and other symptoms that appear in people with psychological disorders.

Somatoform disorders often cause symptoms of physical illness so that sufferers wrongly considers himself has been suffering from a serious disease. For that, it needs a thorough examination from a doctor. Sufferers also need to be open-minded in order to avoid the use of drugs that are not required.

You can consult more than one doctor or psychologist to figure out the cause of the symptoms that you are experiencing. These steps can help you get the right handling.

tag : marriage counseling, filipino psychiatrist, depression

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