
Causes of Vaginal odor and how to Keep it clean

Coutii Healthy - Vaginal odor can be caused by several things. These complaints can not only make a woman is not confident, but could also be a sign of a problem with vaginal health.

The smell of a woman's vagina may vary within one menstrual cycle. You also don't need to worry if Your pussy feels the smell after a sweaty activity. However, if the vaginal odor is accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching, pain, or whiteness, you need to be alert. Because, it means there is a problem in the health area of your femininity.

Learn About The Causes Of Vaginal Odor

Health and hygiene areas femininity or vagina is the important thing. Identify some of the causes of vaginal odor, and a variety of other symptoms, in order to find out if the smell of the vagina is dangerous or not.

  • Trichomoniasis

This condition is caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis infection and is one of the sexually transmitted disease. Transmission of the disease through the relationship between trichomoniasis penis with pussy or vagina with pussy. The disease is sometimes not bergejala, but can be transmitted to sexual partners of its victims. Vaginal odor with a fishy smell or rotten smell is one of the symptoms of trichomoniasis.

  • Bacterial bakterialis

Under normal circumstances, the vagina is inhabited by good bacteria that do not cause diseases and serves to protect the vagina by creating an atmosphere of acid. However, in the bakterialis, the number of bacterial vaginosis normal vaginal acidity decreases, thereby decreasing and other bacteria that can trigger disease experienced an increase. Finally, there is an infection in the vagina. Vaginal odor is one of the symptoms of this condition. Vaginal odor characteristic to the disease this is fishy or like the smell of fish, after performing an intimate relationship. In addition, the vagina will issue a whitish gray or white, the bubbly or dilute.
In addition to some of the above, although the rare or not rare among common, causes the onset of vaginal odor are other vaginal cancer, cervical cancer, or rectovaginal fistula. Hormonal changes or eating certain foods, such as onions, cheese, cabbage, pepper, fish, and also sometimes can make your vagina smell.

Loved Your Femininity Area

Less maintain the cleanliness of the area of femininity can be a cause of the onset of vaginal odor. Keep Your feminine area cleanliness in several ways:

  • Keep the hygiene of Miss V

Note the use of pads. If you are in the time of menstruation, remember to replace Your pads avid with new ones. Avoid using it for a day. Remember also to avoid using tight underwear and not absorb perspiration. It is these conditions that can cause health problems in your vagina. In addition, after defecation, as much as possible to avoid wiping from back to front. In order for the bacteria around the anus does not enter into the vagina. Remember to wipe from front to back. This way it can also lower the risk of urinary tract infections.

  • Pay attention to the humidity of Miss V

You also need to keep Your feminine parts remain dry, and use the underwear with a comfortable material, such as cotton. We recommend not to use tights to avoid increasing the humidity in the region of femininity that can trigger the infection and gathering bacteria.
Vaginal odor can indeed make a woman become less confident. Sometimes, cleaning her pussy with various fragrances also became an option. Some women who use liquid cleansers for vaginal say they feel more and more confident.

However, before using it, please note that one of the risks that may arise due to the use of vaginal cleansers is reduced or weakening of the good bacteria of the vagina, so that fungal infections, parasites, and bacteria cause diseases of the vagina more easy going.  We recommend that you first consult a doctor about the benefits and risks of the use of liquid cleaners vagina.

In addition to some of the above, avoid free sex in order to preserve the health and hygiene areas femininity, because this behavior will increase the risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases, such as herpes, HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and genital warts. To prevent it, it is important to wear a condom when sexual intercourse.

The vagina is a very important body organs to women. Keep the health of your sex organs to pay attention to its cleanliness. Prevent vaginal odor by avoiding some of the things that can trigger the infection. If you experience smelly vaginal discharge accompanied by other symptoms, don't be shy or reluctant to consult a doctor. Do not consider trivial vaginal odor, because mendiamkannya can instead be handled without endangering the health of organs of Your femininity.

tag : chronic bv treatment, feminine odor, musty vag smell, how to get rid of feminine odor and discharge, yeast infection

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