
Cold allergy symptoms in children and its Prevention

Coutii Healthy - Whether your child's skin appear full-swollen bumps or redness when cold air? If so, chances are your child suffer from allergies. An allergy is an immune system reaction to excessive stimulation triggers allergies, one of them is the cold.

Cold allergy in children is a reaction of the skin against the cold temperatures, both the air or water, which causes the onset of redness, swelling, and itching on certain body parts. This reaction occurs when cold temperatures trigger the release of substances that play a role in the emergence of allergy symptoms, i.e. histamine, into the blood stream. This condition is allegedly related to hereditary factors and viral infections. However, the exact cause of the body reacts to cold temperatures are still not known.

Cold allergy symptoms in children

Cold allergy symptoms generally begin to appear after the skin is exposed to cold temperatures, good air, water, or cold, such as ice, for two to five minutes. Not only is it a cold, allergy are also more at risk of appearing in air conditions windy and humid. Here's a cold allergy symptoms in children can occur:

  1. Embossed Stripes Stripes itching on the body that are exposed to the cold.
  2. The hand become swollen when holding a cold object.
  3. The skin will change color to reddish.
  4. The lips and throat became swollen, when consuming food or drink cool.

In some rare cases, allergy sufferers can experience cold shock anafilaktik, i.e. heavy allergic reaction marked by fainting, decreased blood pressure, fast heartbeat, chest palpitations, and shortness of breath.

Treatment against Allergy Cold

There is no specific medicine to cure allergies. More treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms that arise and prevent so that symptoms do not come back at a later date. The doctor will prescribe the drug generally the antihistamines to patients suffering from allergies. The following are the drugs that can be used to relieve or prevent allergy symptoms cold:

  • Antihistamines

Antihistamines work by preventing a substance histamine in the body trigger allergic reactions. Medications including antihistamines include loratadine, cetirizine, chlorpheniramine, and desloratadine.

  • Leukotrienes antagonists

Leukotrienes is a substance that plays a role in the emergence of symptoms of allergies and asthma attacks. Leukotrienes antagonist drugs normally used to treat asthma, but it can also be given to allergy sufferers.

  • Antidepressants

The drug is generally given to sufferers of anxiety disorders and depression. However, in the case of allergy cold that does not improve with other treatments, the drug an antidepressant could also be given to help relieve allergy symptoms.

  • Corticosteroids

This medication is an immune system suppressant so help reduce allergy symptoms. Corticosteroids are usually given only in a short time.
Cold to treat allergies with medication, it should be tailored to each child's condition, the severity of symptoms that appear, and an indication of the appropriate medical examination results with the doctor.

How to prevent Cold Allergy in children

Some of the things you can do to prevent the emergence of a cold allergy symptoms in children are:

  1. Stay away from the children of substance or cold-temperature air. Avoid giving children food and cold drinks to prevent swelling of the airway.
  2. Drug consumption in accordance with a prescription given doctor.
  3. Use thick clothing and cover your skin body children, before they got better in cold weather.
  4. If your Children like to swim, try to put the child's hand or foot in the pool and wait for a while to see if it appears the allergic reaction. If the temperature of the pool was too cold and allergic reactions, are not recommended for swimming.

Preventive way above aims to help steer children from cold, allergy symptoms but cannot cure the allergy. Check with your child to the doctor immediately if the cold allergy symptoms in children often relapse, or if there is a heavy cold allergy symptoms, such as shortness of breath, fainting, and the children seemed restless.

tag : allergic, allergy symptoms, dermatitis, allergy testing,psoriasis, histamine intolerance treatment

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