
Benefits of brown sugar VS white sugar for diabetics

Coutii Healthy - Brown sugar has been known since a long time Indonesia society, both as a natural sweetener or seasoning. More than that, brown sugar is also considered better consumed for diabetics than white sugar.

Probably not many know that brown sugar molasses which comes from Palm trees has a nutrient is good for health, such as iron, minerals, calcium, potassium, zinc, polyphenols, antioxidants, and inulin. Not only that, the Glycemic Index (IG) brown sugar also lower compared with other sweeteners. So is natural when sugar is often consumed in diabetics.

Benefits Of Brown Sugar Than White Sugar

The benefits of sugar as long as it is considered better than white sugar, especially once known to have a relatively low glycemic index, which is around 54. Glycemic Index is a number that describes the impact of certain foods to increased levels of blood sugar.

High glycemic index is above the number 70. That is, carbs in food quickly decompose and release of glucose into the blood. Some foods with high IG figures, among others:

  • White rice.
  • White bread.
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Rice porridge.
  • Instant oats porridge.
  • The potatoes.
  • Chips.
Meanwhile, the number 55 and below indicate otherwise. Food with low, such as the IG figure brown sugar, pasta, beans, soy beans, beans, oranges, carrots, bananas, mango, strawberry, and dates. While white sugar or sucrose belongs into the medium range in IG IG 56-69.

However, keep in mind that the IG on food can be different on individuals to each other, depending on how to combine the food will be consumed. For example, the glycemic index of the actual low brown sugar can be high, when consumed in conjunction with other foods that contain carbohydrates and sugar high.

Regardless, with a number of small crusts IG, brown sugar is claimed could be a better option for the diabetic patients compared to white sugar that the IG figure him a little higher.

Brown Sugar Is Safer, But That Does Not Mean Free

Although brown sugar belongs safely consumed diabetics. Not that brown sugar then can be consumed freely. This is because the calories on sugar is almost on par with white sugar, which is about four grams of carbohydrates and 16 calories per teaspoon.

In addition, brown sugar circulating in the market also could have been mixed with cane sugar and other ingredients, which makes the index glikemiknya be high. Therefore, if you want to use sugar as a sweetener, the key is mengonsumsinya in limited quantities. When you consume sugar in excess, nonetheless will increase the risk of developing metabolic syndrome and obesity.

If you are diabetic and downright are like to eating sweet treats, you can choose a healthy alternative foods, such as fruit salad or fresh fruit. If You still want to wear any kind of sugar, sugar, notice the number of carbohydrates in the product label. That way, you can adjust your daily diet plan back in accordance with the calculation of carbohydrates and calories allowed. Please do not hesitate to consult a doctor to find out the nutritional benefits of brown sugar.

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