
Diseases Of Uric Acid

Understanding Diseases Of Uric Acid

Coutii Healthy - Disease of gout or gout is a joint disease that occurs due to the levels of uric acid in the blood is too high. In normal conditions, uric acid is dissolved in the blood and out through the urine. But under certain conditions, the body can produce excess amounts of uric acid or experiencing interruptions in disposing of excess uric acid, so the uric acid builds up in the body.

A buildup of uric acid crystals will form in the joints, which can trigger pain and swelling in various joints of the body. Although generally form in the joints, uric acid crystals can also form in the kidneys and the urinary tract. The condition can interfere with the function of the kidneys or cause urinary tract stones.

Although caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood (hiperurisemia), not all sufferers of hiperurisemia disease afflicted by gout. In fact, just 1/3 hiperurisemia sufferers who experienced this disease.

Symptoms Of Gout Disease

Disease symptoms gout is generally in the form of sudden joint pain in a short (acute), then lost in a few days, and appears again after 6 or 12 months. In some cases, sufferers experience symptoms gout disease chronic, recurrent gout attacks occurring in a long period of time.

In acute gout, pain only occurs in one or several joints, such as in the big toe, knee, or ankle. The symptoms will be severe during the first two days, and it could take up to 10 days. Generally the sufferer will feel great pain that appears suddenly during nighttime. In addition, joint pain that feels will look red, swollen, and very sore though only touched a little. Some acute gout sufferers also experience fever over the pain strikes.

Whereas in chronic gout, the symptoms appear is accompanied by the pain of arthritis that occurs repeatedly, and can lead to permanent joint damage, where the joints can not move normally. In addition to the hallux, pain also occurs in many joints in the body, such as the elbows, fingers and wrists, as well as the heel.

Disease-Causing Uric Acid

Purin is a substance that is naturally generated body, but also on certain types of food. To parse a substance the body, purin will naturally produce uric acid. Most uric acid is thrown through the urine, and the others are discarded through the stool.

In sufferers of the disease gout, uric acid levels in the body exceeds the normal limit. This condition can occur when the body produces too much uric acid, or hard body discards excess uric acid.

When it lasts for a long time, uric acid that accumulates in the body can form a sort of sharp crystals in the joints, causing pain, inflammation, and even swelling.

Risk Factors Of Gout Disease
Disease gout more often afflicts men, especially in the age range 30-50. However, women also may experience these diseases, particularly after the menopause.

Some other factors that can trigger a rise in the levels of uric acid in the blood are:

  • The family has also suffered from the disease of gout.
  • Just suffered an injury or surgery.
  • Consuming foods with a high content of purin, such as red meat, offal of animals, and some types of seafood (such as anchovies, sardines, mussels, or tuna).
  • Consuming alcoholic beverages and drinks high in sugar.
  • Using medications, such as diuretics, aspirin, ciclosporin, and some chemotherapy drugs.
  • Have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, anemia, leukemia, sleep apnea, hypertension, and obesity.

The Diagnosis Of Diseases Of Uric Acid

To obtain a diagnosis of diseases of uric acid, the doctor will first ask the patient's disease history, and how often the symptoms appear, and see the location of joint pain. After that, further examination will be carried out to ensure the presence of crystals in joints pain triggers, such as:

  • Blood tests. A blood test is performed to measure levels of uric acid and creatinin in blood. Someone with the levels of uric acid in the blood up to 7 mg/dL, the votes are already suffering from the disease of gout. However, these tests are not always able to ensure disease gout. Some people are known to have high levels of uric acid, but not suffer from the disease of gout. Conversely, there are people who have the symptoms and signs of disease gout even though the levels of uric acid in the blood is normal.
  • 24 hour urine test. This procedure is done by checking the levels of uric acid in the urine of patients issued during 24 hours.
  • Joint fluid tests. This procedure takes the synovial fluid in the joints are sore, for examination under a microscope.
  • Imaging. An examination of x-rays may be done to find out the cause of the inflammation in the joints. While ULTRASOUND can detect uric acid crystals in the joints and tofi (lumps).
  • Dual energy CT scan. This inspection can detects uric acid crystals in the joints though not inflammation.
  • Synovial biopsy. This procedure takes a small percentage of tissues (synovial membrane) around the joints ached, to be examined under a microscope.

Treatment Of Diseases Of Uric Acid

The handling of the disease of gout is by administering drugs, to relieve symptoms and prevent relapse. A type of drug that is usually prescribed to treat disease gout drug colchicine and a bitter taste is nonsteroid (OAINS). In patients who cannot eat both the medicine, the doctor will prescribe kortikosteoid.

In patients who experience uric acid attack few times in a year, or experience pain good due to this disease, the doctor will prescribe another medication to prevent complications. A type of drug that is used in the above case is allopurinol. These drugs work by inhibiting the production of uric acid in the body. Other types of drugs which can also be given a drug to increase is disposal of excess uric acid from the body such as probenecid.

To prevent re-occurring gout attacks, the patient will be advised to avoid foods containing high, and reduces the purin drinks high in sugar and alcoholic beverages. Patients will also be encouraged to meet the protein intake by consuming low-fat milk, as well as routine exercising to achieve and maintain the ideal weight.

Complications Of Gout Disease

Sufferers of the disease should be aware of uric acid complications that may arise from this disease, including:

  • The emergence of hard lumps (tofi). Tofi is formed due to a buildup of uric acid crystals under the skin, and can appear in multiple areas of the body, such as the fingers, hands, elbows, feet, and around the ankles. Even though it does not cause pain, tofi could swell and harden when the attacks of gout occur.
  • Gout recurrence. In some cases, attacks of gout can occur several times a year. When left not addressed, the condition can cause pengeroposan and damage to the joints.
  • Diseases of the kidney stones. Uric acid crystals can accumulate in the urinary tract, and cause kidney stones.

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