
Get to know the water conditions are not Normal Amniotic

Coutii Healthy - Amniotic water allows a fetus floating in amniotic bags during the bore so that the fetus can move. Clear yellowish-colored liquid that it also gives room for the growing fetus and protects the fetus displays of physical injury.

One of the changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy is the formation of pockets and the amniotic fluid. Amniotic water begin to form more or less after 12 days from the occurrence of the processes of conception.

While the examination of pregnancy, amniotic water volume will be checked regularly to see whether it is still within normal levels, too much, or too little. This is because the amount of amniotic waters reflect the condition of the health of the fetus. The examination is done using ultrasonography (ultrasound).

Amniotic fluid or water amnion is useful as a cushion that protects the fetus from outside injury or sudden movements. This fluid is also useful keep the temperature around the fetus to keep warm and stable. Other functions is to help the bone, muscle, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs of a fetus to be able to grow properly.

Amniotic Water conditions are not Normal

Normal amniotic water volume is in the range 60 milliliter (mL) when pregnancy is 12 weeks old, 175 mL at the age of 16 weeks, and 400-1200 mL in 34-38 weeks gestational age. However there are some pregnant women who had amniotic volume is not normal, it's either too little or too much.

  • Amniotic water too much
Medically, the condition is called polihidramnion. Polihidramnion is a form of the common complications experienced by pregnant women. Most expectant mothers with the condition polihidramnion can give birth to a healthy baby, but it is still not recommended to ignore these conditions.
Polihidramnion can increase the risk of breech babies, even those born prematurely. Pregnant women are also at risk of experiencing bleeding after childbirth. Amniotic water causes too much is not yet known for sure, but some of the following risk factors associated with the occurrence of polihidramnion.
  1. Congenital abnormalities in the fetus. One of them is related to the ability of the fetus to swallow. While in the womb, the fetus will swallow the amniotic water and then pee. This can maintain the stability of the amniotic water volume. If the fetus cannot swallow because of genetic defects, amniotic fluid will accumulate.
  2. Pregnant women have diabetes. High blood glucose levels can cause a buildup of amniotic fluid.
  3. Contains baby twins twin transfusion syndrome that experience-to-twin. This causes an increase in amniotic fluid on the twin recipients and decreased amniotic fluid on the donor.
  4. Rhesus blood between mother and fetus (rhesus incompatibility). This can sometimes make the fetus experiencing anemia.
  5. The problem at the heart of the baby. Can be either congenital heart abnormalities.
  6. Infection in pregnancy.

To detect it early, pregnancy checks need to be made to the doctor regularly. If your stomach feels bulky and toned accompanied by shortness of breath, check with your doctor immediately.

  • Too little amniotic water

Too little amniotic water condition is known by the term oligohidramnion. This condition is sometimes difficult to predict his appearance, but are more prone to occur during late pregnancy. Amniotic water slightly indicates there is a possibility of failure has occurred the placenta or fetal development disorders. A too little amniotic water can occur due to the following factors:

  1. Pregnancy complications, such as pregnant women who have high blood pressure, dehydration, preeclampsia, and diabetes.
  2. The passing months pregnancy (gestational age exceeds 41 weeks).
  3. Pregnant women who are taking certain drugs, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).
  4. Solusio the placenta which means the placenta is detached from the uterine wall.
  5. Amniotic membrane
  6. Problems in the fetus, such as genetic abnormalities.

Oligohidramnion condition known from amniotic water volume examination using ultrasound. If you diagnosed experience a oligohidramnion, you may need to drink more water, especially when it is dehydrated.

In addition, it may be necessary injection of amniotic fluid or amnioinfusi. This treatment is done by doctors by giving fluids saline are injected into the amniotic bag wall.

  • Amniotic rupture early

Most pregnant women, amniotic could rupture before 37 weeks gestational age. Makin early occurrence of this, then the more serious condition of the mother and the fetus. This condition is called amniotic rupture early. The cause is often unknown, but risk factors below may be able to trigger the condition of amniotic rupture prematurely.

  1. Experience an infection of the vagina, uterus, or cervix.
  2. Pregnant women have a habit of smoking.
  3. Pregnant women have ever had surgery or a biopsy of the cervix.
  4. Never experienced this condition on a previous pregnancy.

If You feel any water that flows from the vagina, either gradually or spurts, take the fabric to absorb the liquid. Ciumlah aroma, amniotic water does not smell urine. When after being kissed was not urine, immediately look for medical assistance.
If amniotic rupture early on gestational age above 37 weeks, you can do the labor. When going on between 34 to 37 weeks, your doctor will likely do to accelerate the process of induction of labor.

But if the amniotic rupture before 34 weeks of gestation, the doctor will likely hold back so as not to labor. You will usually be instructed to break total. Maybe the doctor will also give you an antibiotic to prevent infection or corticosteroid drugs so that the baby's lungs can grow better. After the condition of the baby's lungs are detected more good, delivery can be made.

  • Amniotic water colored is not normal

If it is approaching the date of birth, amniotic rupture can by itself or spontaneous. Amniotic water coming out is normally turbid white to yellowish and odorless.
Tell your doctor or nurse if the amniotic water coming out tinted greenish, foul-smelling, or mixed in with a lot of blood. Amniotic water colored is not normal as greenish, yellowish, thick, foul-smelling, or if there is a fever during pregnancy, possibly indicating the presence of abnormalities in the fetus or infection of the amniotic. This condition requires immediate handling.

Recognize the signs of abnormal amniotic water so that pregnant women can get help immediately to prevent further complications. Therefore it is important to do regular checks of the pregnancy to the obstetrician or midwife to ensure a healthy pregnancy and conditions smoothly.

tag : amniotic fluid, oligohydramnios, amniotic fluid leak test, amniotic fluid leak test at home, leaking amniotic fluid early pregnancy

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