
Meniere's Disease

Coutii Healthy - Meniere's disease is a disorder that occurs in the inner ear, leading to symptoms of dizziness (vertigo), rotating ear ringing (tinnitus), and pressure on the ear. Meniere's disease can also cause loss of hearing ability is missing, which leads to permanent deafness.

This disease can strike anyone, but usually occurs in individuals in the age range 20-50 years.

The Symptoms Of Meniere's Disease

The symptoms of Meniere's disease can occur in different duration in each of its victims. Anyone experiencing it for a few minutes, and there are also happening for several hours. The frequency of symptoms also varies, could be in a few weeks, months, or even up to a few years.

These symptoms include:

  • Vertigo often relapse. Sufferers may experience dizziness spin that appears and disappears suddenly. This condition can occur for 20 minutes or a few hours.
  • Tinnitus or ringing of the ears.
  • Pressure on the ear. These conditions are perceived as feels full in the ear.
  • Lost hearing. Sufferers can experience hearing loss incurred, before missing the ability to hear is lost completely.

Causes and risk factors of Meniere's disease

Is not yet known what causes Meniere's disease. Experts suspect the disease is triggered by the abnormality rate of fluids (endolymph) in the inner ear. However, there are a number of factors which affect the levels of endolymph and allegedly triggered the Meniere's disease, among other things:

  • Excess liquid on the inside of the ear.
  • Disorders of the immune system.
  • Meniere's disease on the family history.
  • Viral infections, such as meningitis.
  • A head injury.
  • Migraine.
  • Allergy.

Diagnosis Of Meniere's Disease

To diagnose Meniere's disease, doctors will ask the symptoms experienced by a patient's health history also, and his family. Patients suspected of suffering from Meniere's disease if you have:

  • Tinnitus or pressure in the ear.
  • Vertigo attack twice with a duration of 20 minutes to 24 hours.
  • Loss of hearing.

Some tests that will run the ENT doctor to diagnose Meniere's disease are:

Hearing tests (audiometry).

Meniere's disease sufferers is difficult to hear the sound in the low frequencies. Hearing tests are done to find out the patient's ability to hear sounds in the tone and volume.

Balance test

Balance is one of the functions of the inner ear. So in people with Meniere's disease is also impaired balance. Some tests balance that could be done is this:

  • Videonystagmography (VNG). VNG is an examination of eye movement to assess the function of the balance. In-ear balance sensors connected to the muscles that control eye movement. Teratology studies on eye movements can be a sign of the existence of a disturbance in the balance of the patient.
  • Rotary-chair test (the test seat swivel). Same as VNG, test function inspect swivel chair balance based on eye movement when the Chair is rotated.
  • Electrocochleography (ECoG). ECoG checking the inside of the ears to know response sufferers against the vote. EcoG may also help the doctor see if there is a buildup of fluid in the ear.
  • Video head impulse test (vHIT). This test uses the video to know the reaction of the eye at the moment given the stimulus a sudden movement.
  • Posturografi. This test is done to find out the balance of the system parts are disrupted by having patients do some of the challenges of using seat belts and bare feet.
  • Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP), i.e. the measurement sensitivity of sound on the vestibular (balance balance nerves).

Treatment Of Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease including diseases that cannot be cured. However, the symptoms can be overcome. Handling can be carried to the patient are:

the doctor will prescribe a medication to reduce symptoms of nausea vomiting when patients experienced vertigo, such as diazepam and promethazine. In addition, the drug is diuretic can also be made to reduce excess body fluids. Normally doctors recommend medication diuretics combined with restrictions on the levels of salt in food.

Other than in tablet form, there is a remedy in the form of injections directly into the central part of ear to alleviate the symptoms of vertigo in people with Meniere's disease, by granting local anesthesia preceded. Some types of drugs that are used in this procedure are:

  • Gentamicin. This medication works by poisoning the inside of the ear, to reduce the function of balance in the ear. However, gentamicin may cause more severe hearing loss.
  • Corticosteroids. In some sufferers of Meniere's disease, corticosteroids such as dexamethasone the medications can help alleviate the symptoms of vertigo. Although not as effective as gentamicin, but the risk of hearing loss will be smaller when you use dexamethasone.

Therapy, noninvasive

There are several therapies and procedures without surgery can relieve symptoms in people with Meniere's disease. Among these are:

  • Vestibular nerve rehabilitation therapy. Vestibular nerve is a nerve which serves to send a signal to the brain's balance. This therapy aims to relieve the symptoms of vertigo.
  • Meniett. This therapy uses tools that put pressure on the middle ear to reduce fluid in the ears. This therapy is usually done on the intractable vertigo.
  • Hearing aids. Hearing aids can help restore hearing function down in people with Meniere's disease.


When a number of the above steps are not effective, the doctor will recommend that patients undergo surgical methods, such as:

  • Endolimfatik SAC surgery. This procedure reduces the fluid in the inner ear, by removing a small portion of the bone of the SAC endolimfatik. In some cases, this procedure involves installation of a tube (shunt)
  • Vestibular nerve cutting operations. This procedure is done to tackle the disease in sufferers of vertigo patients need 5 days of hospitalization after undergoing this procedure.
  • Labyrinthectomy, namely the adoption of part of the ear that regulates the function of hearing and balance. Consequently, the ears are having Meniere's disease would lose both functions. This procedure is only done on sufferers of hearing function almost lost in total.

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