
Recognize the characteristics of a healthy baby

Coutii Healthy - General assessment of healthy baby is seen from his weight. However, weight gain in infants is not the only benchmark of the condition in healthy babies. There are several other important signs You know as the hallmark of a healthy baby.

Baby fat is indeed looks adorable, and often a benchmark healthy baby, but not necessarily. The condition of healthy baby could be measured from a wide variety of things. Starting from gaining weight baby, until the social capabilities in interacting with others. To determine whether the baby is in a healthy state, the condition of the baby to note from different sides.

Learn to identify it easily

Here's how that can be done to identify the characteristics of a healthy baby:

  • Experiencing weight gain

Weight gain has indeed become the harbinger of a baby grow healthy. Gradually, the weight of the baby will continue to grow in line with the increase of age. You should routinely checked the health to the doctor to know the growth and development, including information increase her weight. Since being born up to 6 months old, the baby's weight gain is expected to range from 150-200 grams per week, and 85-140 grams per week for infants aged 6-12 months.

  • Quiet time is near the parents

The intensity of the crying newborn is often, for crying is one of the easiest ways of communication for the baby. When the baby is crying, give a soft touch and invite baby to talk like while still being in the womb. This can make the baby feel calmer because knowing Your there next to it. The baby began to calm attitude while living near you, too, can be a sign that the baby is healthy emotional development well developed.

  • Interested in the world around him

When the new baby is born, at least 16 hours of time spent just to sleep and 2 hours once to suckle. These habits will change as you get older. When entering the age of 1 month, babies have started often woke up and got interested with what is around it. He will be seen quietly and started to pay attention to faces or objects that you are holding. In fact the baby was trying to get to know the new world and digesting new information that he saw. The interest of this muscle occurs when the baby's eyes began to be controlled and see things more clearly.

  • Listen to the sound that is heard

Actually a healthy baby can hear at birth, but it takes a few weeks for him to filter out sounds that he heard. When his hearing has started growing, the baby will start to choose which sound interesting attention and no. The voice of big brother or father who laughed merrily and musical sound, the possibility of a voice that can attract the attention of the baby. If you see a baby reacts to a particular sound and look for the source of the voice, this indication that her hearing is working well.

  • Can interact with others

Baby age 1 month, was able to make eye contact with others, including imitating some movement you do. The ability of this healthy babies will continue to evolve. Then in infants 2 months of age, she started smiling when invited to talk or joke. At the age of 4 months, the baby's development had reached the stage of responding with the expression of laughter. Then when he stepped on 7 months, you will find the little one can already interact with the babies, such as seizing something held or mimic the sound of other babies. All interactions performed the baby a sign of healthy baby and already know will be the condition of the surrounding environment.

  • Baby can hold its own weight

At the age of 1 month, generally healthy baby can hold his head himself Despite only briefly. Then the infant age 3 months, lifting ability of the head will be more developed.  While this could've been done, the muscles actually babies are going through a stretch to flourish. This stage is the stage of development the baby before you can tengkurap, rolling, sitting and standing as well.

Healthy babies tend to have a stage of growth that continues to evolve with the increase of age. You as a parent must support important growing stages with nutrition and stimulation to maintain the health of the baby. If necessary consult a doctor to monitor the growing swell of healthy babies.

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