
The Function Of The Following Very Important Vitamins For Baby

Coutii Healthy - Functions of vitamins have an important role in the growth and development of infants. But unfortunately, lack of vitamins in the baby became one of the often overlooked problem of the elderly. Learn more the function of vitamins for flower growing babies.

Basically, the baby has been getting enough nutrients from breast milk. BREAST MILK alone had deposits of nutrients for growing baby flower, ranging from protein, fat, carbohydrates and calcium. But when a baby enters the age of 6 months, babies need extra nutrients to support the growing important role. One of the nutrients that it needs is a vitamin.

Vitamins are Important for babies

Here are some vitamins and their functions are essential for the development of babies:

Vitamin A
One of the vitamins that shouldn't be absent during the development and growth of babies is vitamin a. the important function of vitamin A is to support the development of the function of vision and skin health. Not only that, the function of vitamin A also plays an important role in boosting the immune system and speed up the process of bone growth as well as the baby's body tissues. Administering vitamin A on any baby should be tailored to the age of the baby. This is intended to prevent the effects of vitamin A poisoning. Generally, for infants under 1 year, dosage recommendation of vitamin A per day is 400 mcg.

Vitamin B
There are many types of vitamin b. However, one vitamin that plays an important role for flower growing babies is vitamin B9 (folic acid). Folate is a B vitamin that acts to increase the production of red blood cells and accelerate the growth of the cell, maintaining healthy muscles and nerves, as well as strengthening the immune system what's in the baby. Usually, babies under 1 year requires intake of folate of approximately 65-80 mcg per day.

Vitamin C
The function of vitamin C also is not less important to accompany the little flower growing. Vitamin C plays a role in the formation and repair of red blood cells, bones and tissues of the body. In addition, vitamin C also serves to safeguard the health of the gums as well as improving the immune system of The child. Infants aged under 1 year, usually require a minimum intake of vitamin C 40-50 mcg.

Vitamin D
Other vitamins that have important functions for the body of an infant is vitamin d. Vitamin D plays a role in helping the body absorb calcium and maintaining bone health as well as the little teeth. Vitamin D deficiency in infants will result in disorders of the spine, as rakitis. Generally, infants aged under 1 year need 8.5-10 mcg of vitamin D per day.

Vitamin E
Vitamins that one also is not less important to the health of the baby. Functions of vitamin E on the baby is as an antioxidant that can support the growth and development of brain and nerve tissue. These vitamins are recommended to be given as much as 4 – 5 mg per day.

Vitamin K
Vitamin K plays an important role in the process of blood clotting. In the absence of vitamin K, a small wound can continue to bleed so hard to heal. To fullfill the needs of vitamin K, on every baby born will usually be given an injection of vitamin k. vitamin K Needs every baby ever. Usually a baby under 1 year requires vitamin K intake about 2 – 2.5 mcg.

In General, vitamins can be divided into two types, namely vitamins water soluble and fat soluble vitamins. When taking any vitamin that is soluble in water, the body will not store excess vitamins in the body, but rather will be expelled through the urine. Water soluble vitamins are vitamins B and c.

While vitamins A, D, E, and K, including a group of fat-soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins are stored for long in the body. Therefore, consuming too much vitamin of this type will result in the buildup of vitamins in the body, so that it can harm the baby.

When Does A Baby Need Vitamin Supplementation?

As already described above require additional nutrients baby started when entering the age of 6 months. After that age, infants begin to be introduced with a semi solid food. At this point, any baby can get vitamins from food-semi-solid food that you provide. When the baby was to be given food companion ASI, so doctors usually do not recommend administering vitamin supplements.

However, the granting of vitamin supplements may be needed in infants born preterm, low birth weight, or have small size while in the womb. In addition, babies who have chronic problems so that affect appetite also recommended given the vitamin supplements. It's just that, make sure you consult a pediatrician before deciding on giving vitamin supplements for infants.

Understand better the function of vitamins and when babies need supplements, make parents so more understand how to support the growth and development of infants.

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