
This Reason The Consumption Of Fresh White Bread Should Preferably Be Restricted To

Coutii Healthy - Among the several options of breakfast, bread is the one option that belongs to the practical. In Indonesia, the kind of bread that most ubiquitous of fresh white bread. However, this type of bread consumption should be restricted.

Generally, the material fresh white bread maker is all purpose flour. Wheat flour used are made from whole grain with most layers of rough skin and skin arinya have been lost while grinding. In a piece of fresh bread contained 80 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 15 grams of carbohydrates. Fresh white bread made from wheat flour minimal will be a source of important nutrients, in contrast to whole wheat breads that contain nutrients better.

Consider A Health Risk

There are several reasons a fresh white bread should be consumed in limited, namely:

  • The complete lack of nutritional

When whole-grains processed into flour for bread to fresh white, layers are loaded fiber and protein will be wasted. Despite some fresh white bread added nutrients, such as vitamin B and iron, but fiber and protein in it far less than whole wheat flour.

  • Raise blood sugar quickly

The increase in blood sugar levels can occur due to low fiber and protein in fresh white bread, so carbohydrates and sugars in fresh bread can be more quickly absorbed by the body. Sudden high blood sugar will simply applied. This certainly makes a person more difficult to control blood sugar levels. A research shows that limiting your intake of refined products, such as wheat flour, will lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

  • Trigger weight gain

Excess sugar intake of fresh white bread that is not directly used as energy, are likely to be stored as fat in the body. In addition, fresh white bread also triggering a hunger faster, so the chances of your calorie intake will increase.

  • Possibility of using bleach

To make fresh white bread that doesn't have a dull and the color looks bright, often used several substances such as bleach, bromates, azodicarbonamide, potassium and chlorine dioxide gas. At this time most countries have already banned the use of wheat flour bleach, as it can harm health.

  • Affect mood

Recent studies have found the existence of a relationship of consumption of refined carbohydrates, including fresh white bread, with postmenopausal depression. Some of the symptoms that arise, such as the rapid mood changes, fatigue, and other symptoms of depression. High glycemic index on fresh bread is thought to hold a role in the emergence of this effect, but further research is still required to ascertain whether the consumption of fresh bread is indeed directly can lead to symptoms of depression.

Tips On Choosing Unsalted Bread

Comparison of fresh white bread, fresh bread from whole grain or whole wheat contains more nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Fresh bread from whole wheat has higher protein, rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, are also low in fat and cholesterol free.

However, do not directly eaten unsalted bread on the packaging label. If written, made from whole-grains, should look again more carefully the ingredients. There are some fresh bread that claims made from whole-grains, but actually continue to use flour for refined main ingredients.

Some fresh bread also contain salt (sodium) that help improve taste and control the yeast. On average each sheet of fresh white bread contains 200 mg of sodium. Note the number of Your fresh bread consumption, because the limit of the highest recommended intake of sodium is 1,800 mg per day.

In addition, if fresh bread is consumed excessively, although labeled low in calories, the body will still get the extra calories that can lead to the increase of the weight and a variety of negative effects.

Consumption of fresh white bread is wisely and don't overdo it. Select fresh bread that you think is the best material. Consult with a nutritionist before mengonsumsinya, if you have a specific health condition.

tag : bread, smoking, rye bread, german bread, fabric, moode

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