
Try Herbal Medicine Cures Stomach Acid

Coutii Healthy - Don't let the disease interfere with gastric acid your comfort while enjoying the food. Some types of herbal remedy stomach acid can be obtained around easily. However, we recommend that you consult your doctor first, especially if you have a specific health condition.

Diseases of the stomach acid can attack anyone. But, do not be considered trivial. At a certain stage, the disease could be gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), a condition in which stomach acid rise into the esophagus (esophagus). The symptom is the appearance of a burning sensation in the solar plexus, pain in the chest, and cough.

Sure you don't want this continuously disrupt your day, doesn't it? You can mengeenali some kind of herbal medicine and how to maintain the health of the stomach below.

Diverse Herbal remedy stomach acid around you

Some types of herbal remedy stomach acid may not thought of before, such as chewing gum, Aloe Vera, or baking soda. These materials can potentially help relieve stomach acid, though actually still require further research:

  • Aloe Vera

The content contained in Aloe Vera in addition believed able to relieve Burns, it can also reduce inflammation in the stomach and esophagus GERD sufferers. Not only that, it turns out that Aloe Vera can also are laxative, as a laxative. So look at the measure when consuming Aloe Vera. You can choose instant Aloe Vera juice which has removed the content of laxative in it. The consumption of at least ½ Cup Aloe Vera before eating.

  • Baking soda

Baking soda is one of the drugs used for stomach acid neutralizes stomach acid. To use baking soda as a herbal remedy stomach acid, mix as much as ½-1 teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of water. However, for those of you who often have stomach pain, baking soda is not the right choice. Baking soda contain high levels of salt and may cause nausea and swelling.

  • Licorice (liquorice)

Although it still needs further research, licorice is believed to have a natural relief for abdominal pain, so the flavor can relieve heartburn to the source of the problem. However, excessive consumption of licorice is also not good because it can cause high blood pressure and other serious side effects. You can choose the types of DGL licorice to avoid side effects and is safe because it does not contain glycyrrhizic acid.
Other than by taking some of the above, you can also make chewing gum to reduce stomach acid. Chewing gum can stimulate the flow rate of saliva or saliva. Thus, the acid in your stomach can be rinsed by saliva quickly and eventually relieve the symptoms of GERD.

Healthy Lifestyle Began To Change

In addition to utilizing herbal remedies the stomach acid, you also need to keep the lifestyle and diet is good, to avoid disease stomach acid.

Begin to avoid foods that can trigger stomach acid rise like, chocolate, onions, tomato sauce, fried foods, garlic, fast food, and foods rich in fat. In addition, prepare snacks in between your dinner hour, and avoid devouring the food in large quantities at once.

Not only the food, several kinds of drinks can trigger rising stomach acid, such as beverages containing caffeine, soda, juice from citrus fruits, and alcoholic beverages. In fact, food or drink containing mint are also best avoided because it could trigger increased stomach acid.

Healthy lifestyle changes is also very important to avoid a sense of torment when the stomach acid to rise. It is recommended to keep a fixed ideal weight, avoid smoking, avoid lying down after eating the food and use tight clothes.

The consumption of herbal remedy stomach acid with caution, because it still requires further research. We recommend consulting a doctor for diseases of the stomach acid that you experience, in order to be given the treatment to suit your condition.

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