
13 Benefits Young good Dates for fertility and body health

Coutii Healthy - Date palm fruit with a sweet taste that always exists in an appetizer when the month of Ramadan is the one fruit that has many benefits. Dates are circulating in indonesia is the kind of dates with various kinds of import dates from several countries. Types of dates that are popular in the community is dried dates. Dried dates can be obtained easily in the market or fruit store. On the other hand there are also dates that are known to have numerous benefits, namely young dates.

The young fruit have dates dates that are still fresh and half-baked. So it can be seen in the difference of color of young date palm. In General young Dates are still not widely known because it can only be found in fruit stores and major stores special dates.

The following benefits are to be had in taking young dates

1. Increase fertility
The program pregnant or special program performed for married couples who have children but mneginginkan constraints of certain barriers so as to follow – this program. The program requires that a pregnant couple do certain activities or certain materials consume one of these dates. Young dates known for its benefits to improve the fertility of female reproduction, making it suitable for the program.

Young dates contain Hormones botosin which has an important role in the increase Peristaltic movements in the blood vessels and the uterus (womb) in women, so with this young date palm can increase fertility.

2. Launch the blood circulation

the benefits of young date Palm next launched blood circulation. The blood circulation that will smoothly make the body healthier. Young dates can also prevent the occurrence of bleeding on pregnant women. Bleeding causing a miscarriage is the risk that vulnerable occur in pregnant women. regular consumption of young date palm while pregnant will bring benefits while pregnant and giving birth.

3. Expedited delivery process

Still in the same benefits of young date palm contain oxytocin that can trigger contractions in the uterine wall so that labor can run smoothly and help process stops the bleeding when the labor.

4. Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a malignant disease that if not tackled seriously. Cancerous growth can be inhibited by eating rotten young dates. Young dates contain high Vitamin A as well as second sources of antioxidant substances which can make the stunted growth of cancer cells. Alternative cancer prevention with young dates this is a simple and efficient way, besides the taste of young date palm is also good.

5. Relieve Constipation

Constipation often make the body become uncomfortable because of impurities in the body can not properly issued. Constipation is characterized by constipation. Constipation due to food consumption less fibre can be overcome by eating rotten young dates. This young dates contain a high fiber benefits will help digestion working well. Fiber needs will also be fulfilled as well as help the body detoxification process: for the young rotten dates are rich in antioxidants.

6. Control your blood pressure

Blood pressure is normal if not then it will make the symptoms of health problems such as high blood pressure. Sometimes high blood pressure disorders of the blood pressure does not feel but if not on the eve of the healthy living patterns can cause severe disease. Young fruit consumption dates will help in controlling blood pressure, you can replace the snacks with the use of dates.

7. Maintaining healthy skin

A well-maintained, healthy skin look smooth and bright is the yearning of everyone. The State of indonesia's tropical climate with sunshine that always there all year sometimes makes the problem on the skin like dry skin and dull. The skin often exposed to sunlight would tend to burn out and will turn into a dull due to the activities of the skin pigmentation as well as exposure to sunlight which contains Ultraviolet light. When exposed to sunlight in a prolonged period of time can cause skin problems due to radiation UV rays can trigger the onset of cancer. Eating rotten young dates regularly can keep healthy skin from the inside.

8. Overcoming Anaemia

Anemia as a disorder of red blood shortage in the body that makes the sufferer experiencing sign – the sign of a weak, lethargic, lunglai, fatigued, inattentive, or 1.5 l jar. lack of blood supply keotak the reason why anemia sufferers will experience symptoms of young date palm is 1.5 l jar. the foul that have properties that can facilitate blood circulation also has benefits in addressing anaemia because this young dates have a high iron content. When the body has enough iron then gets a sign of anemia is already no longer appears.

9. Prevent Stroke

Stroke occurs due to lack of supply blood to the brain cause blockage in blood circulation occurs due to the buildup of fat in the blood and the blood vessels are ruptured. Young dates can help prevent the onset of a stroke because the young rotten dates help facilitate blood circulation so blood flow remains smooth and supply blood to the brain becomes normal.

10. Maintain eye health

Eye health is a valuable asset because of healthy eyes can do a remote object with good vision to normal magnification limit, but if you have low vision far distance vision be short and distant objects will be visible blur. Vision disorders are generally experienced by the Customs bad factors as well as the lack of nutritional intake in food for eye health. Vitamin a deficiency also affects the health of the eye so that consuming foods rich in vitamin A can help you in maintaining health such as dates. Young dates contain vitamin A and antioxidants are good for eye health and sight impaired healing therapy.

11. Maintaining bone health

Young dates contain more vitamins and minerals. Mineral content in young dates make it great for maintaining healthy and strengthens bones. Young dates can also help to weaken the disease osteoporosis. Deposits of manganese, selenium, copper, and magnesium on dates makes this fruit is good for bones. When bone health groomed early on then it can prevent osteoporosis bone disorders in the future and makes you more active people move because there is no problem with your bones.

12. Increase energy

Young dates and regular dried dates contain natural sugars, sugar content on the Palm can increase the energy in the body. Dates contain natural sugars. This could be a reference for you sometimes feel tired but don't want to eat a lot or just want to eat a snack, then make young dates as snacks.

13. Improve BREAST MILK

Young date Palm has many benefits for expectant mothers to breastfeed, if earlier dates benefit for having launched the young labor and help stop bleeding dates young is also believed to be able to facilitate the discharge of breast milk. Young dates can be used as a substitute for herbs the leaves kathuk due to the womb of oxytocin which helps pelancaran breast milk.

Thus the benefits of young date palm stinks for health. Feel free to use dates as young health snacks.

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