
Portion Packed Baby 6 months

Coutii Healthy - At the age of 6 months, the little is usually already be given solid food as an escort breast milk (BREAST MILK). The following types of food that can be consumed and portion feeding babies 6 months.

Enter the age of half a year, drinking BREAST MILK alone is not considered sufficient to meet the daily nutritional needs of the fruit of the heart. To maximize the growing important role, the little one also need nutrients from other sources with consuming solid food.

However, before giving the food companion and portion feeding for infants ages 6 months, recognize the first signs of the little one is ready to devour the food more solid and condensed than breast milk. Characteristics are as follows:

  • It can enforce its own head.
  • Sit without assistance.
  • Demonstrate interest in the food, such as trying to reach out and grasp foods or utensils.
  • Reflex opens his mouth and takes out the tongue if there's something that goes into his mouth.
  • Already started trying to bite and chew though have not grown teeth.

Portion Packed Baby 6 months

Then, how many servings of eating infant 6 months? It all depends on the fruit of your heart. For fruits, vegetables, or food is smooth enough 2-3 tablespoons in one meal. Within a day, give the little portion of food companion ASI 2-3 just as much this time. As for ASI, susui 3-4 every little one hour once. When feeding the little one, make sure it is seated securely on the seat and the baby. Make sure the little places to eat also maintained clean.

6 month baby food

The main foods that should be introduced to the little one is rich in iron. Iron and zinc itself was already contained in breast milk, but the amount was not sufficient fruit needs an increasingly enlarged hearts. One mineral that is extremely important given to the grassroots to keep her away from anemia.

Foods that contain iron include baby cereals are fortified with iron, fish, eggs, chicken, beef, spinach, broccoli, tofu, beans, and green beans. But in addition to iron, do not forget to also give foods containing other important nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins and minerals.

Introduction to first foods babies 6 months, give the little potatoes, Yam, Apple, pear, melon, banana, avocado or mashed already. You can also give him a fine slurry mixed with milk formula or breast milk. After that, give the meat, chicken, fish fillets, pureed, cooked or boiled eggs which is of course also been mashed. Keep in mind, this is the first time he's started eating solids, so You do not need to impose a particular meal portions for babies 6 months.

At the age of 6 months are some of the foods that are best avoided by the little one, namely honey, cow's milk, hard foods and large-sized packs, fruit juice, and fish containing mercury, such as tuna.

In addition to the fine food, the little one also could've been given the white water on the sidelines. But, don't overdo it. Be using the spoon, Cup with lid perforated, or even a regular Cup. Drinking water from a cup help the little one learning to SIP, as well as good for the growth of Small teeth.

Increasing age of The minor, his nutritional needs are also getting bigger. With patterns and portion feeding babies 6 months is good, necessary nutrients for growing important role will be fulfilled. Don't forget to regularly weigh little one to monitor the status of its nutrition value.

tag : baby, breast milk storage, baby shop, mothers milk, feeding bottle

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